• Offering superior custom selected kiln dried figured hardwoods for over 55 years.

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Guarantees & Terms Of Sale

Look Up Boys!
Here's a 5 man crew that took a break for a picture. Notice that they are debarking the tree for the tannery.
There is never a minimum purchase required!

Guarantees & Return Privileges
All lumber is custom selected for figure and guaranteed to be of furniture maker's quality. All lumber sold is at least 1Com and Btr lumber grade with the vast majority being Fas lumber grade...the best available. You have the assurance of a money back guarantee on all lumber or lumber product sales providing they are returned to us at the shop within 14 days from date of receiving it and the material has not been altered in any way. Lumber not received back within 14 days of receiving it will indicate that you are satisfied with your purchase and the transaction will be closed with no refunds possible. If you ask us to alter the material to your specs before shipping it is not returnable. Shipping charges, credit card or PayPal payment charges and processing charges cannot be refunded.

Please call or email us if there are ANY problems or questions with the lumber received before you surface or alter the material in any manner. If material is simply returned because you are not satisfied with it, and you did not call us first explaining the issue, we will not accept it back for a refund. Please keep in mind the 14 day time limitation.

Things You Ought To Know About Our Material, Procedures And Our Policy Of Customer Relations.
All Material Is:
  • Custom selected for the best grade of lumber.....mostly FAS.
  • Custom selected for quantity and density of figure.
  • Custom selected for a minimum of defects...wane, knots, etc.
  • Air dried and then kiln dried to 6% - 8% moisture content.
  • Sapwood one and two face for maple and heartwood one and two face for cherry, etc. See Graders Notes for individual descriptions.
  • All maple sold is Eastern Red Maple unless described otherwise in the Graders Notes.
  • In the case of LS Billets: If you resaw a billet and you see an obvious defect such as a knot, bark inclusion or any other major defect not appropriate for accepted luthier practice, that does not appear on the outside of the material, please notify me and I will replace it or refund your money that you paid for the wood. Shipping charges cannot be refunded. As I cannot see inside the material, defects do and might occur. My goal is to see that you are provided with the best material for your project and your money...this is what I do here at MapleLeaf Hardwoods....no matter what you buy!
  • Please note that there are no absolutes when it comes to figured lumber...like people no two are alike! Hardly ever does nature make the perfect piece of wood when it comes to figure. We try to describe the material as accurately as possible in the space allowed with the pictures taken. However, there may be some very minor natural things that the pictures and descriptions do not describe for which we do not consider defects such as very minor wane, mineral deposits or color.

  • Securely packaged in heavy gauge cardboard and shipped via FedEx or USPS to your door or YRC Common Carrier when necessary.

    How We Take The Pictures That Represent The Wood We Sell
  • All of the pictures we take are with the help of flash artificial light and are of the actual material being sold. After doing this for over 50 years, I find that this method captures the figure best and generally represents what it will look like when finished. We do not add any coating on the material before we take the picture. Each piece of wood has its own reflective properties so the vividness of the figure in the material will vary in each photo. Some material is unbelievably reflective which will show you great separation and vividness of figure and some not as much. For this situation we lighten up the background so the figure is more visible. What I am trying to say here is, at times, the actual vividness of the material will look differently in the photo as compared to the vividness of the actual material. The purpose of each photo is to show you the amount and character of figure in the selection and not necessarily its vividness. In any case all of the Private Stock & Luthier material is specifically chosen for its figure quality, character, density and vividness that separates it from the run of the mill curly maple. All of this info is brought to your attention to help you better choose your project material.

Our Policy Of Customer Relations
Our business and personal goal is to treat people like we would like to be treated. What a world this would be if all people practiced "The Golden Rule". This type of world is possible, you know, but only we can make it happen!

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