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Cut Offs
5 Pieces Per Order
Price: $35.00
Number Of Pieces: 5 Pieces

Quantity in Stock:155

Available: Usually Ships in 24 Hours

Graders Notes
Cut - Offs
In the course of shipping figured wood we always end up with cut offs. They are a mixture of figured wood species but you will find they are mostly maple.The lengths range from about ~10" to 15". Widths range from ~5" to a maximum of 12" and thicknesses range from ~1" to 1 1/2". Sold only in quantities of 5 pieces. Figure is always excellent because the material from which they were taken was custom selected. Although they are surfaced for presentation purposes, they also may be unsurfaced. Surfacing will change the thickness 1/8" or so from nominal thickness. Also, they are all sapwood one face with some possible sapwood/heartwood on the opposite face.

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